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What does Membership give me?

  • Year round access to the clubhouse & 4 floodlit carpet courts.  Junior & intermediate members have restricted access to the clubhouse unless accompanied by an adult.
  • Opportunities to play in Junior and Adult teams.
  • Join in playing social tennis to include Club Night & Fun Tournaments.  See our News Page for the latest list of social tennis opportunities.
  • Online court bookings up to 7 days in advance from 8am to last bookings at 8.30pm.
  • Use of coin operated floodlight meters located in the clubhouse. Currently £1.00 = 15 mins. 
  • Guests can be invited up to 3 times a year.  The guest fee is £5.00 per guest.
Tennis ball balanced on a racket

Additionally, there is:

  • Free Child Membership for all children under 8.
  • Discounted Junior and Adult Coaching with all membership packages.
  • Over 18’s optional Social Membership of the adjoining squash club giving you access to the bar facilities.
  • Discounted full squash membership.

What’s going on?

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Typically we keep you informed of club activities, events, offers and news via email or WhatsApp alongside postings on our website, FaceBook and Instagram pages.  Our aim is to ensure you enjoy being a member of Wigginton Tennis Club and can maximise on your interests and opportunities both on and off court.

For further information on any of the above or for any other enquiry, do get in touch.
Email Phil Langley, Chairman at or give him a call on 07787 989299.

Membership Packages

You will be asked to set up a Clubspark membership account using your email and a password.  This is needed to ‘sign in’ when booking courts and managing or updating your information.  There are other options to ‘sign in’ including through free LTA Membership.  If you are not already registered with the LTA, click here to view the benefits which include the Wimbledon tickets ballot.

Payment for membership is processed through GoCardless.  Annual renewal authorisation is requested prior to any payment.

Annual Membership Packages from Date of Purchase



Not in full time education
30 minute 1:2:1 coaching session included

in full or

£16.80 a month
for 10 months



2 adults living at the same address as a couple
30 minute 1:2:1 coaching session included

in full or

£30.40 a month
for 10 months



In full time education or apprenticeship

in full

Junior 8-15yrs

Ages 8 to 15 inclusive

Junior members have the option to join our junior coaching programme at reduced rates and have the opportunity to play in junior teams

in full

Junior Under 8

Under 8 years of age

Junior members have the option to join our junior coaching programme at reduced rates




Must be a Parent or Guardian of a junior member

in full


Family residing at the same address with 2 adults and unlimited intermediates or juniors
Adults get 30 min 1:2:1 coaching session included

in full or

£35 a month
for 10 months

YDTN Associate

Must be a member of the York Disability Tennis Network coaching programme
Package includes any carer attending

in full

Adult Squash Club Associate

Must be a current Squash Club member as confirmed by Squash Club Membership Secretary

in full


Invite only. 20 mile radius from the club
For information email Nick O’Keeffe :

in full

Adult Winter


Not in full time education
October – February inclusive

in full