Thursday Night Mix In 6:30-9pm
All year round, members from the age of 17 come to the popular Thursday evening mix-in. With a wide range of abilities, the emphasis is on enjoyment for all alongside competitive play. No need to book. Just come along.
Singles Ladder
Join the Men’s Singles Ladder to play against other Wigginton Club Members.
Ladies Mix-In
Monday and Wednesday 10am-12noon is ideal for ladies who enjoy a relaxed game of tennis.
Contact Sheila for more information 07929 631970
Saturdays 11am-12:30pm is perfect for ladies who like to play, or have played, competitive tennis.
Contact Denise for more information 07415 899247
Men’s Mix-In
Fridays 9am-11am is well attended by men who have played tennis for many years plus several men who are newer to the game but relish the challenge!
Contact Tony for more information 07845 976718
Team Play
Keen to play competitively in one of our many teams listed on our website? Let us know!
Contact Phil Langley – Club Chairman. 07787 989299